What is Life Coaching?

Life Coaching is best described as a discipline that supports an individual’s desire to change or deal with life changes and to create a better life for themselves.ind Your Life Purpose

  • How do I let go of worry, stress and guilt?

  • How do I let go of self doubt?

  • How do I bring joy into my life?

Coaching borrows from psychology, philosophy, religion, spirituality.Coaches establish a strong working relationship with their clients. Coaches help clients to clarify their values and needs and then start the process of setting realistic goals for themselves, and work towards creating their ideal future.

Coaching can offer clients the follow:

  1. Help you create a clear vision of what you want.

  2. Awareness of any resistances to achieving your goals.

  3. Learn more about how you interact in the world.

  4. Progress more quickly towards your dreams.

  5. Co-create action plans.

  6. Focused on you and your needs.

  7. Awareness of negative beliefs about change.

  8. Challenge self-doubt and self-limiting beliefs.

  9. Work with your strengths, and skills.

  10. Teach techniques that you can apply in the future.

  11. Help you to achieve your long-term and short-term goals.

What are the benefits of having a Life Coach?

Life coaches provide a non-judgemental space for you to speak honestly and openly about your concerns, your needs, your goals and your frustrations. Life coaches, like sports coaches, support you by providing support, honesty and a space to work on your dream and goals from making tiny changes in your life to introducing more structure and meaning to your life and ultimately acheiving your goals. You have the right to live your best life. When you start making tiny changes you will begin to see the benefits to your life and feel motivated to:

  1. Build happy, fulfilling relationships

  2. Cope better with stress and sadness

  3. Get fit and stay healthy

  4. Get more organised

  5. Feel more confident in yourself

  6. Achieve life-long dreams

  7. Achieve more than you ever expected you could

  8. Feel energised

  9. Feel happy and content

  10. Excel at work or enjoy your career more

  11. Feel better about yourself

  12. Figure our your purpose

Areas of Expertise

Life Changes
  • Changes in family structure

  • Decision making

  • Setting up your future

  • Unexpected changes in circumstances

  • Reflection

  • Achieving goals

  • Starting new chapters

  • End of life planning

  • Issues in the workplace

  • Changing careers

  • Re-entering the workplace

  • Balancing work and home life

  • Starting a new relationship

  • Ending a relationship

  • Evaluating your current needs or,

  • Entering the new "dating world"

  • Valuing yourself

Peri-menopause & Menopause
  • Physical symptoms

  • Emotional challenges

  • Body changes

  • Self image

Lifestyle Change Support
  • Dealing with Long Term Covid

  • Support in achieving fitness and lifestlye changes

  • Increasing calmness

  • Managing stress

Entrepreneur Support
  • Brainstorming

  • Goal setting

  • Business Planning

  • Dealing with growth

  • Supporting your vision

  • Business Mentoring

Postive Changes
  • Positive habit building

  • Goal setting & achieving

  • Prioritising & Organsing

  • Findng your values

  • Findng your purpose

Retreats & Online Groups
  • Menopausal

  • Making a change

  • Entrepreneur Brainstorm

  • Carer/ Support person

  • Rest and Reset

Types of Appointments

green leafed plant
green leafed plant

We know one glass slipper doesn't fit everyone...and hell some people would prefer a comfy Ugg to a glass slipper any day! We also know people prefer to communicate in different ways. We offer one on one appointments in any of the following formats...

Face To Face - Maitland, Newcastle, Hunter Valley,

Byron BAy, Brisbane and Sunshine Coast

Teleconference - ZOOM

We also provide a safe, non-judgemental and generally fabulous online group meeting space where you can chat with like minded women.

Click on Learn More to send us an enquiry.



woman in white coat holding silver iphone 6
woman in white coat holding silver iphone 6

Before jumping into any commitment with a Life Coach you need to know that you will be able to comfortably and openly communicate with them, so I invite you to have a chat with me first!

Just hit the "Learn More" button.

Send me a quick message and I will email you back to organise a time for us to chat and get to know each other just a little better