Hi there! Nice to meet you...

woman in blue short-sleeved dress and white hat standing between green leafed plants during daytime
woman in blue short-sleeved dress and white hat standing between green leafed plants during daytime

I'm Lesley and I'm the owner and Life Coach at Confidante Life Coaching for Women. I am very pleased to meet you!

I have always had an interest in supporting people in times of need, in times of transistion and in general in life for as long as I can remember...in fact my Barbie doll when I was growing up was always a very successful Psychologist with a fabulous shoe wardrobe!

I started university to find that Psychology was in fact not the path I wanted to take as it was a Science based degree and honestly, I wasn't a scientist, I was a humanist.

3 beautiful, individualistic kids, 2 marriages that had ended (I refuse to use the term unsuccessful as it denotes failure), businesses started and a seemingly successful career forged I realised I was miserable in what I was doing, I had an unbalanced and unhealthy life and I was scared of how the next 30 plus years would look for me if I stayed in this mindset. I was nearing 50 and lost sight of my goals and my values...I had to step up and walk my talk!

My goal is to work with women, just like you, just like me. Women who have faced challenges, are facing challenges and wanting to take back control of their lives and dreams. Women who need a sounding board, a confidante, a person in their corner.

So while you WON'T get from me a glorified social media that sets an unrealistic view of "success". Trust me the last thing any of us needs is another influencer / filtered view to make us feel we need to reach for unattainable goals or even goals we didn't realise we were meant to have!!

I can promise you that I will support you in providing you with:

  • A safe, non-judgemental space

  • A very real and present confidante

  • Helping you figure out where you are and where you want to be

  • Designing a structured plan with you to help you find your purpose / set your goals or make positive changes in your life

  • Turning your dreams to your reality

  • Supporting you to find confidence and joy again

  • Tools and skills for life

Qualifications & Skills

  • Certified Life Coach

  • Breathwork Teacher Training

  • Accredited Resilience Practitioneravitas

  • Certified Pilates Instructor

  • IKIGAI - Find your Purpose

  • Accredited Menopause Practitioner

  • Vision Baord Facilitator

  • Certified CBT Coach Practitioner

  • Time and Distraction Management

  • Crystal Bowl Sounding Training

  • Business Start up and Mentoring Program

Have any questions or want to book a free 15 minute chat?

brown wooden number 8 on white surface
brown wooden number 8 on white surface

If you have any questions about our services and how I can help you or to book a free 15 minute chat... hit the button below

Sally-Anne G.

I really just want to tell the world how amazing this process was and how much more confident I feel with my decisions now. Thank you for helping me believe in me!

Julia M. - Entrepreneur

Finding a coach I could bounce my ideas and concerns from both my business and personal life was literally like finding gold. I can not emphasis enough the value of Lesley as a coach to me.

Happy clients